Child Hater

Upon visiting the local market the other day to pick up some items we needed for the restaurant, I spied a child a couple cars down from mine who was out of his parents’ car. He was roughly 11 years old and clearly had some sort of behavioral issue as he was screaming and flopping on the grass.

He wasn’t bothering anyone. Directly.

A 40-or-so year old man with no wedding ring walked by me and stated: “Two words: birth control.”

I held my tongue as I entered the store. I asked myself if he is a Eugenist? No, he couldn’t be that well informed. He clearly, however, believes that he is part of the better race of people he perceives as “right.”

I then thought about what he must think of the woman, if any, in his life. Is SHE perfect? Would anything that could go wrong with the child automatically be perceived by him as her fault? How would a child fare under his rearing? So many questions.

God complex.